Dental Implants - Goldsboro, NC

Your Dependable Smile Solution

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*New Patients Only

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is an appliance utilized in modern-day dentistry to replace the appearance and function of missing teeth while also restoring health. The device is composed of three separate pieces that, together, replace the entire tooth structure. These pieces include the implant post, the abutment, and the dental crown.

The Implant Process

Choosing to have your implant placed or restored in our Goldsboro, NC office is a decision we’re sure you’ll be delighted with! Our team members are true experts in implant dentistry and are sure to deliver a smile you’re proud of. While the process of having implants placed is different for everyone, you can find a general outline of each step below:

When you visit McLamb Place Dental for your implant procedure, the process will start with a free consultation. This gives us the opportunity to hear your needs and desires for treatment and answer any questions you may have. We will also examine your oral tissues, remaining teeth, and jawbone to determine your candidacy for the surgery.

If we discover that you have existing conditions affecting your jawbone, natural teeth, or gum tissue, we will require that these problems be addressed before implants are placed. This ensures that the implants may heal properly and recovery is a smooth process. Preliminary treatments we may suggest include tooth extraction, gum disease treatment, or bone grafting.

Once we determine your oral health is in a condition capable of sustaining implants, you will be scheduled for surgery. During the surgical procedure, we will create a small incision in the gum tissue above the area where the implant will be placed. This will be used to access the jawbone and insert the implant post. Once the post has been embedded in the jawbone, the incision will be closed.

The healing phase will provide adequate time for the site to heal and for the post to fuse to the surrounding bone tissue. The implant post is made from titanium, a biocompatible material that can bond to the jawbone over between three and six months of healing.

Once the post has become bonded to the jawbone, it will become just as stable as a natural tooth root. Your new implant will finally be complete with the addition of the abutment and custom-made crown. In this final step, we will attach an abutment to the implant post; this will act as a connector between the post and the dental crown. The crown will be cemented into position on top of the abutment, bringing the entire synthetic tooth structure together.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer many benefits; most notable is the positive impact they have on your health! Because dental implants are the most natural solution to tooth loss, they are capable of creating the same healthy stimulation that a natural tooth root provides your jawbone. The use of an implant post to hold the appliance in place not only makes the restoration more secure but also keeps your jawbone in healthy condition! Other benefits include:

Looks Natural

Restores Function

Easy Maintenance

The Cost of Dental Implants

Just as the process of placing implants is different for everyone, the associated cost is different as well. This depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of implants selected, the current oral health condition, and the need for preliminary treatment. The best way to secure an accurate price for this procedure will be to attend a free consultation at our office!

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Dental implants are truly an incredible option to replace missing teeth. Implants allow you to enjoy your favorite foods again, smile in confidence, restore your oral health, and live life to the fullest. The only question now is if they are right for you!

Learn More About Dental Implants

Single Implants

Replaces a single missing tooth

Implant-Supported Bridges

Restores a sequence of multiple missing teeth

Full Arch Dental Implants

Fills in a full arch of missing teeth

What People Are Saying


I recommend McLamb Place Dental to all of my local friends! This office is such a great place!


Great office and friendly team! I highly recommend McLamb Place Dental!


If you are looking for an amazing dental team to trust with your care, McLamb Place Dental is the place.

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